Clothier Design Source: "You think it. We make it!"

Let's say you have an idea for a special garment or clothing line. In your heart, you know you're an apparel entrepreneur. But how do you begin? In the globalized clothing industry, where can you find local resources? 

Enter Clothier Design Source, the company now located on Territorial Road in the CEZ. Twelve years ago, founder Mindy Martell saw that need and a corresponding niche for her own talents.  Since 2006, Clothier Design Source has partnered with clients—including startups—in a four-step process that results in high-quality, USA-made clothing ready for market. At the CDS factory, Mindy and her 35 skilled employees do it all. They consult with clients on initial design, create prototypes, determine technical design specs, and manufacture the product in the short runs that are feasible for small businesses. If a client needs only some of those services, CDS tailors the process accordingly.  

"We're a great resource for anyone who is starting an apparel brand," said Mindy. "We manufacture over 8,000 pieces of clothing a month in a sustainable and ethical way for hundreds of labels. We do work for brands all over the nation but love local the best!" Its most-local client is Podiumwear, next door. And the Creative Enterprise Zone feels like a natural home. "We love the neighborhood," Mindy said. "The ease of public transportation for our employees, ease of cycling to work and great choices for eating out and shopping. It feels hip and fun!" If you missed the Clothier Design Source open house in May, take a video tour.  

Are you ready to get real about your textile dreams? Take a one-day in-factory course. The next session of CDS's Apparel Academy is Saturday, November 10, 9:00–4:00. As Mindy describes it, "It's great for anyone thinking of starting an apparel line and not sure where or how to start." You can begin your education by visiting their informative website


Writ large!


New life (and a new name?) for the Pirtek Building